Trying to convert actual cold traffic into email subscribers can be incredibly difficult. Especially, if you’re just sending these leads to the homepage of your website. In order to increase your chances of turning the one-time visitors into email subscribers, you need to create a landing page that actually works.
Below we dive into how you can create a landing page that actually makes people want to give you their email address. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Keep reading to learn how.
Create an Offer That’s Compelling
Today visitors are inundated for email requests at an alarming rate. This means that people are much less likely to hand over their email addresses unless they feel compelled to.
In order to overcome this hurdle you need to offer something of extreme value.
Think about a desperate need that your readers have. Make sure your offer solves a deep need your audience has and offers an actionable way to solve that problem.
What Your Page Needs to Include
Once you’ve landed on an optin offer that you’re sure your audience will love it’s time to create the landing page. Below we showcase the most common elements of a high-converting landing page.
1. A Headline With Clear Benefits That Makes You Wonder
Your headline is one of the most important elements of the page. Without this crucial element there’s no way your readers are going to continue reading to the end of the page. Your headline needs to be straightforward and communicate exactly what your readers can expect.
Make sure your headline leaves an opening that the reader can solve by giving you their email address.
2. A Clear Call-to-Action
Your call-to-action needs to tell the reader exactly what to do next. Your call-to-action should be fluff-free and easily understood. Don’t use any vague words at this step. Only include words that specifically lay out the next step for your reader.
3. Add Video (If Possible)
Video can be incredibly compelling and help to improve conversion rates. Video helps to add a personal element to your page, and it can convey a lot of value to your reader.
Your video can address a topic that leads into your optin offer. So, the reader will have to optin to get the final solution they’ve been waiting for.
4. Have Clear Sign-Up Boxes
Make sure your sign-up boxes stand out. If you do have a video, then place the optin box directly below the video on your page. This will draw the readers eyes to it the moment they’re finished watching the video.
If you have a longer landing pages you can even include multiple email optin boxes throughout.
5. Include Social Elements
Sometimes landing pages can feel a bit too salesy. To offset this you can add social sharing buttons to your landing page. This will make it feel a little bit more like a blog post, and might even lead to some social shares that result in increased traffic to your page.
There you have it. By following the steps above you’ll be on your way towards creating a high-converting landing page. If you have any questions about the process, then reach out to our team today.
Calvin Bryant
Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.