Coming up with how-to content ideas for your business’s blog can be tough. Creating the wrong kind of content and you won’t be impressing your visitors or helping your business. But, with the right kind of content, you can both educate your readers and position yourself as an authority.
What kind of content is the right kind of content for your business? How-to content. Below we show why creating how-to content can be very valuable for your business and give you an endless stream of topics to write about.
1. Provides Value and Solutions
One of the biggest reasons you should be blogging is to provide value to your customers and soon to be customers. Leading with value is a great way to sell to customers without being too pushy. Today’s consumers tend to back away from tense sales environments.
By providing your readers with a ton of helpful content they see that you have their best interests in mind. You’ve already shown that you’ll help them solve their problems entirely for free. So, when they’re ready to make a purchase, or hire someone, you’ll be at the top of their minds.
2. Positions You As the Expert
The goal of your content should be to position you as an authority. When a person comes across your site they’re going to read the content you’ve published before they decide to work with you.
Having a steady supply of helpful content shows that you’re the expert. Without any content to backup what you’re saying your customers have no reason to believe you.
Teaching what you know automatically puts you into the expert category. Even though your customers might be able to use some of your solutions yourself, they’ll still come to you for higher level solutions.
3. Solves Your Customer’s Problems
You might worry that solving your customer’s problems will put you out of business. But, if that was the case people would stop going to restaurants because they can find the recipe themselves online. Just because people know how to do it doesn’t mean they’re going to do it themselves.
For instance, let’s say you’re a roofer and you have a post called, “How to Fix Your Leaky Roof”. You write a detailed post that walks your reader through every step of the process. Chances are it’s going to be pretty time and resource-intensive, so instead of doing it themselves, they’ll call you up to fix the problem. Or think of it this way, there are dozens of resources online that show you how to change your own oil. But still, over 90% of people still visit a mechanic to have it done for them.
Plus, this has an added benefit of helping your site rank for specific “problem-oriented” keywords. These are keywords your customers will type in when they’re seeking out a solution for something. And who’s the person providing that solution? Your company.
If you’re looking to transform your existing content strategy to help drive more leads to your business, then get in touch with our creative team today.
Photo via Pexels
Calvin Bryant
Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.