One of the latest features that a ton of different social media networks have started to add is the ability to livestream videos. This style of video is very relaxed and natural and enables you to connect with your customers, or followers, in an entirely new way.
Whether you’ve live streamed a video in the past, or want to get started, then this post is for you. Below we take a look at five different ways you can improve the quality of your videos to attract more fans and customers.
1. Use an Outline
Even though you’ll want your livestream videos to appear natural and on the spot, it can be helpful to have a basic outline. Decide what you want to talk about beforehand and the end goal for your video.
After all, you want your audience to walk away from the video with some kind of value. Your outline doesn’t have to be incredibly intensive, but just something basic to highlight your talking points and help keep you on track.
If you’re very new to creating videos, then an outline is invaluable.
2. Get Some Basic Gear
If you have the latest iPhone or a newer smartphone, then the quality of the camera is probably good enough. However, it can be helpful to invest in a tripod and even a decent microphone. You’d be amazed at how much your videos improve just from these two things.
You can even stream your video from your webcam, but of course, this might not work for every style of business.
3. Keep Your Livesteam Short
Livestream videos are more relaxed and natural, but this doesn’t mean your audience wants you to ramble on forever. Try to keep your videos short, but not so short that your audience doesn’t have a chance to join in.
Also, make sure you leave plenty of time for questions. Your audience is here to engage with you, not just listen to your presentation.
4. Improve Your Lighting
You’d be amazed at how much lighting can influence the quality of your videos. If your videos are too dark this might even create a bad impression with your viewers.
If possible go for natural light, or even do a video outside. If you’re serious about lighting, then check out this post on how to build your own affordable lighting kit. Make sure you view your livestream and the quality of your lighting will actually enhance your video.
5. Encourage Questions
Engaging with your viewers is one of the most important aspects of a livestream video. Plus, it can be an incredibly effective way to build a relationship with your audience.
You can either open your video up for questions at the end or simply read through questions that viewers might have asked throughout your video.
Finally, remember to be yourself. Even if you’re representing your brand or business, you should let yourself shine through. Your viewers are here to see you.
Hopefully, the tips above will help you create more powerful and engaging livestream videos for your audience. If you’re looking to take your video marketing efforts to the next level, then get in touch with our team today.
Image via Pexels
Calvin Bryant
Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.