How do you know which social media network is going to be the best fit for your product or service? It can be an incredibly confusing process to try and select the best social media network for you needs. You can avoid being overwhelmed and maximize your results by choosing the right social media network for your business.
In this post we’re going to dive into how you can choose the right social media network. Every social media network isn’t created equal. This post will help sort them all out, and offer you a strategy for maximizing your social media presence.
1. Register Across Multiple Accounts
Before you get started it’s important to register your business across multiple platforms. This will ensure you have the necessary social media platforms occupied in case you decide to expand.
To get started visit This tool allows you to get your brand name registered across over 500 social media networks. Of course, this is too many networks to be active on, but it will give you the opportunity to expand if need be.
2. Decide Upon Single or Multiple Accounts
On various social media networks you can have more than one account. This will allow you to segment your business, and separate business and personal. When trying to decide whether or not to segment your profiles make sure to think about your customer, and if it’s going to provide more value to them.
There are also tools, such as Hootsuite, that make it easy to schedule your posts across multiple profiles and accounts.
3. Think Community Over Popularity
When choosing the right network make sure to think about the communities that congregate at each network, instead of choosing based upon popularity. For instance, if you have a more image-based company, you’ll do well with Pinterest and Instagram.
To find the perfect network set your objectives and goals for your social media strategy. Are you trying to drive traffic? Or, are you trying to increase brand awareness.
Next, consider the demographics of each social media network your audience is going to be active on. For instance, Twitter tends to have a younger more tech savvy audience, Facebook tends to transcend most ages and demographics, while Pinterest has younger female-oriented audience.
By aligning your goals with the right demographics you’ll find the perfect social media network for your business.
4. Expand Your Thinking
A good strategy to grow your social media reach is to expand beyond your niche. Instead of just focusing on social media networks within your niche try to expand to indirect niches that have overlap.
For instance, if you sell luxury goods consider branching out into networks that sell associated goods. This will allow you to expand your network beyond your usual market.
5. Deciding To Expand To New Networks
Once you’ve grown your business across one network it will be much easier to launch on other networks as the opportunities arise. However, before you jump into a new network make sure you set your goals for the new platform and ensure that you’re not spreading yourself too thin.
Also ensure you have enough content ready to go, so when you get started on a new platform you don’t have a bare bones profile, which can be bad for your business.
Succeeding across social media requires a well thought out strategy. Get in touch with our team today for a custom strategy for your business’s needs.
Calvin Bryant
Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.