It’s happened to all of us. Staring at the blinking the cursor, hoping the lightening strike of inspiration will bestow us with an epic company blog post idea. Still, we sit and the inspiration never comes.
It can be incredibly difficult to publish a steady stream of compelling and entertaining content. Especially, when you feel like your well of ideas has gone dry.
Below you’ll learn how to generate a steady stream of blog post ideas that’ll surely delight your readers.
1. Have a Running Tab of Ideas
Trying to come up with a topic idea the moment you sit down to write is a surefire way to run into writers block. A way to combat this is to have a running list of ideas.
One of my favorite is just having a tab in Evernote. Then, throughout the day as ideas come up, you can just jot them down. Or, you can copy down links to similar posts you’d like to write.
Other people also prefer using a content calendar to really plan out their content in advance. This will ensure you have a running supply of blog posts at your disposal. You’ll always know what you’re going to be writing for the coming month.
2. See What’s Already Working
If you’re totally stumped you can check in and see what your competitors are doing. Now, you’re not going to completely copy what they’ve written, but you can borrow certain post formats and ideas to expand upon in your own way.
One great way to do this is to use a tool called Buzzsumo. Open up the page and copy in the site URL. This will give you a list of their posts that have garnered the most social media shares. The free version of this tool will give you something like 6 or 7 results.
This should be enough to spark your idea muscle about what’s currently popular in your niche.
3. Tell a Story About Your Company
If you don’t have any educational ideas you can always lift the veil behind your company and give your readers an inside peak. This will help your company as it will build trust with your readers.
Ask yourself some of the following questions:
- How did our company come to be?
- Why do we offer the services that we do?
- How has my company grow since the early days?
These Company Blog posts don’t have to focus around you and your company either. Instead they can be used to give advice on how you would do things differently, or just pure reflection on your company as it stands.
4. Poll Your Readers
Chances are your audience is already telling you what to write about. Instead of trying to generate ideas all by yourself, all you have to do is see what kind of questions your audience is already asking.
You can do this by mining the comments section of your own blog, looking through your social media responses, or even looking at other blogs in your space to see what kind of questions people are asking.
If you have an email list and regularly email your subscribers, you could include a P.S. that asks them what they’d like to see you write about.
5. Go For An Ultimate Guide
When in doubt, go ultimate. There’s always room for a comprehensive guide that addresses a subject in-depth.
To do this find a topic in your niche that could use a comprehensive resource post. For instance, ‘The Ultimate Guide to Online Marketing for Orthodontists’ or, ‘The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Standing Desk’.
No matter your business there’s at least a few topics you could create the ultimate online resource for.
Interested to learn how you can use content marketing to grow your leads and customers? Then get in touch with our creative team today.
Calvin Bryant
Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.