What Is Local SEO?
Local SEO is a critical marketing strategy for any business that serves a specific regional area, like Jacksonville or North Florida. At its core, local SEO is a combination of several different things specifically designed to improve your local visibility on Google.
How It Works
When people search Google their location is digitally shared with Google. The Google monster uses this “location info” to share results that are closest to their physical location. For example, we all know the common search phrase “restaurants near me.” A restaurant in Jacksonville, Fl implementing an effective local SEO campaign should rank highly for search terms such as “best restaurant in Jacksonville” or “best restaurant near me”, in order to maximize their local search results. This is a great example of why local SEO is important. If you want to be found online before your competitors listing, you need local SEO services.
Local Experts Are Key
From choosing the best local keywords and highest volume keywords to optimizing your content, designing your website, building backlinks, and so much more, there is a lot that goes into SEO. Implementing a results-driven, local SEO strategy requires an experienced team with a proven record of success. At C7 our expert team has the skills, expertise and local knowledge to generate more sales, increase your online visibility and put more eyes on your business.
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